- Invincible #86
- Fables #112
- Fantastic Four #601
- Batman Incorporated : Leviathan Strikes #1 - Cameron Stewart is one of my favorite artists.
- Batman and Robin #4
- Blue Beetle #4
- Nightwing #4
- Green Lantern Corps #4
- Legion Lost #4
- Wonder Woman #4
- Green Lantern #4
- Batman #4
- Legion of Super-Heroes #4
- Justice League #4
And the week after :
- Warlord of Mars #14
- Mediterranea #6
- Incorruptible #25
- Annihilators : Earthfall #4
- FF #13
- Dungeons and Dragons #14
- The Savage Hawkman #4
- The Fury of Firestorm #4
- Suicide Squad #4
- Teen Titans #4
- I, Vampire #4
- Green Lantern : New Guardians #4
- Voodoo #4
- Justice League Dark #4
- Superman #4
- Aquaman #4
- The Flash #4
- Legion of Super-Heroes : Secret Origin #3
- DC Comics Presents : Elseworlds 100 Page Spectacular
Whew. big weeks. End of the road (for me) for Batman and Robin, Nightwing, Blue Beetle, and Suicide Squad. I gave'em a shot, and they just didn't grab me. Hawkman is on my pull-list, but I'm cancelling this month, so I may end up with two more issues. I, Vampire is going on my 'bubble' list, and Justice League Dark will join it real damn soon if things don't pick up.